Friday, June 5, 2009


This was supposed to be a Max Effort Day, but my ill advised attempt at The Bear the other day, left me no choice but to add another rest day.

Again, diet was nearly perfect.

I've been experimenting with some interesting Protein shakes lately. Here are a few:

I don't even know what to call this one
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1T Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup Blueberries...or blueberries and mango
24 Grams Chocolate Whey Protein
3/4 Cup Salad Greens OR Spinach
1/2 Cup Water

A friend of mine uses egg protein, He has a friend that told him to use 1/2 chicken breast instead. As gross as that sounds, I tasted it, and it was great!


Amazing Chocolate Shake
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1T Coconut Oil
1/3 Cup Coconut Milk
24 Grams Chocolate Whey Protein
1/2 Cup Water

This was the richest & thickest chocolate shake I have ever had. I will be making this one often!


Blueberry Chocolate Smoothie
1/2 Blueberries
1T Coconut Oil
7 oz Fage Total Greek Yogurt
30 Grams Chocolate Whey Protein
1 Cup of Ice

Use smoothie setting on blender - makes 2 servings


  1. Great looking smoothies Rick.

    I concocted a great one the other day: fresh mango, 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, iced green tea, ice. Awesome.

  2. Jim, on the, "I don't even know what to call this one" a mix of blueberries and mangoes also works
