Saturday, March 26, 2011


Another REST Day

Legs were still very sore, and I was going to do Yoga anyway, but I ended up working later, so I ran out of time.

Suzanne and I went to a birthday dinner for a friend at Banzai Japanese Restaurant. I had shrimp, steak, mushrooms, salad, grilled veggies, and miso soup. Yummy. I also had a very small amount of rice, noodles, and pistachio ice cream. Oh yea, and some saki. Then we went to Farnsworth House for some QCB. I had 2 and a half beers. With ALL of that, plus all the food I ate earlier in the day, I STILL had only 160 grams of carbs. That is a little more than double what I did every day this week, but it is still 2-3 times less than the typical American slob diet, so I consider it a smashing success, and I will limit such things to Saturday.

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