Sunday, March 20, 2011


I've been extremely busy as of late. I HAVE been working out regularly, but I have not had the time to post here.

My new job also has me doing about 6-7 miles of walking/day, so I was not working legs...I needed them to have time to adjust to the new activities. In the meantime, I have been doing 3-4 P90X® Upper Body Routines/week. Today was "Chest" and "Ab Ripper X"

I am going to join Retro Fitness this week, so I can start doing Squats again. I will also be adding a lot of "supplementation" to help reduce the chronic pain in my left arm and to accelerate muscle growth. I will likely compliment the P90X® Routines with some Heavy Metal Weight Lifting for Upper Body, start eating more, and cut back a wee bit on the QCB (Quality Craft Beer).

Bulking Up in the Spring and Summer is not the norm for me, but I was unable to train the way I wanted to in the Winter, and I have to offset the inevitable weight loss that will occur due to my daily work activities, so it must be done!

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